C/2019 U5 PanSTARRS
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Comet C/2019 U5 was discovered on 22 October 2019, about 3.5 yr before its perihelion passage (10.38 au from the Sun). Later two pre-discovery observations were found from 11 October 2019 (heliocentric disctance: 10.45 au). In the moment of orbit determination, this comet was still observed.

Currently, solutions (GR and NG) based on pre-perihelion data are given. Therefore, the data arc span over 3.46 yr in a range of heliocentric distances from 10.45 au to 3.62 au.

This is Oort spike comet.
solution description
number of observations 3637
data interval 2019 10 11 – 2023 03 29
data arc selection data generally limited to pre-perihelion (PRE)
range of heliocentric distances 10.45 au – 3.62 au (perihelion) – 3.62 au
type of model of motion NC - non-gravitational orbits for symmetric CO-g(r)-like function
data weighting YES
number of residuals 7235
RMS [arcseconds] 0.31
orbit quality class 1a+
orbital elements (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Epoch 2023 02 25
perihelion date 2023 03 29.85248071 ± 0.00033381
perihelion distance [au] 3.62418159 ± 0.00000147
eccentricity 1.00142400 ± 0.00000181
argument of perihelion [°] 181.497340 ± 0.000069
ascending node [°] 2.637384 ± 0.000004
inclination [°] 113.520578 ± 0.000008
reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] -392.92 ± 0.50
non-gravitational parameters
A1 [10-8au/day2] 1.3329 ± 0.0421
A2 [10-8au/day2] -1.0066 ± 0.0427
A3 [10-8au/day2] 0.032203 ± 0.010986
m -2.00
n 3.000
k -2.6000
r0 [au] 10.000
α 0.0100