C/2021 A6 PanSTARRS
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Comet C/2021 A6 was discovered on 8 January 2021, about 4 months before its perihelion passage; later a series of prediscovery images was found from 22 December 2020 and 26 November 2020. In the moment of orbit determination, this comet was still observed.

Solution given here is based on data span over 2.51 yr in a range of heliocentric distances: 7.99 au – 7.93 au (perihelion) – 9.13 au.Orbits based on pre-perihelion and post-perihelion data independently were also obtained.

This Oort spike comet suffers tiny planetary perturbations during its passage through the planetary system that lead to a bit tight future orbit.
solution description
number of observations 66
data interval 2021 12 29 – 2023 05 24
data arc selection data generally limited to post-perihelion (POS)
range of heliocentric distances 8.06 au – 9.13au
detectability of NG effects in the comet's motion NG effects not determinable
type of model of motion GR - gravitational orbit
data weighting YES
number of residuals 128
RMS [arcseconds] 0.19
orbit quality class 1a
orbital elements (heliocentric ecliptic J2000)
Epoch 2021 04 16
perihelion date 2021 05 04.81241471 ± 0.00513158
perihelion distance [au] 7.92894646 ± 0.00001755
eccentricity 0.99919072 ± 0.00000576
argument of perihelion [°] 351.735266 ± 0.000364
ascending node [°] 164.079626 ± 0.000012
inclination [°] 75.60639 ± 0.000024
reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] 102.07 ± 0.73