C/2018 V1 Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto
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Comet C/2018 V1 was discovered on 7 November 2019, about one months before its perihelion passage, and was last seen on 15 December 2018.

Solutions (GR and NG) given here span over 0.101 yr in a range of heliocentric distances: 0.75 au – 0.39 au (perihelion) – 0.50 au;due to short data arc the orbital parameters are uncertain (orbit of 2b quality class).

This comet suffers notable planetary perturbations during its passage through the planetary system; in both cases (GR and NG model of motion) these perturbations lead to escape the comet from the planetary zone on a hyperbolic orbit (see future barycentric orbits).However, the original orbits in both solutions differ and the interstellar origin of this comet cannot be ruled out.
solution description
number of observations 766
data interval 2018 11 08 – 2018 12 15
data type perihelion within the observation arc (FULL)
data arc selection entire data set (STD)
range of heliocentric distances 0.75 au – 0.39 au (perihelion) – 0.5 au
type of model of motion NS - non-gravitational orbits for standard g(r)
data weighting YES
number of residuals 1518
RMS [arcseconds] 0.56
orbit quality class 2b
orbital elements (barycentric ecliptic J2000)
Epoch 1721 04 29
perihelion date 2018 12 03.48217140 ± 0.00126742
perihelion distance [au] 0.38982007 ± 0.00002442
eccentricity 0.99997961 ± 0.00007338
argument of perihelion [°] 88.362705 ± 0.004320
ascending node [°] 128.261045 ± 0.000833
inclination [°] 144.076034 ± 0.00034
reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] 52.31 ± 188.25
file containing 5001 VCs swarm
Six 2D-projections of the 6D space of original swarm including 5001 VCs. Each density map is given in logarithmic scale presented on the right in the individual panel.