C/2012 T5 Bressi
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Comet C/2012 T5 was discovered on 14 October 2012 by Terry H. Bressi (Spacewatch), that is more than 4 months before its perihelion passage. It was observed until 21 March 2013 (see picture).
C/2012 T5 had its closest approach to the Earth on 25 February 2013 (0.913 au), a day after its perihelion passage.
Comet was lost a month after perihelion passage and Sekanina (2019) concluded that this Oort Cloud comet did not survive the observed perihelion passage.
Original value of 1/a is significantly negative for solutions based on entire data set. The preferred solution (based on pre-perihelion data taken at larger heliocentric distances than 1.33au) gives also negative value of original 1/a; however, within its uncertainty of about 1.5 sigma this comet can came from the Oort Cloud.
See also Królikowska 2020.

solution description
number of observations 610
data interval 2012 10 14 – 2012 12 31
data arc selection data generally limited to pre-perihelion (PRE)
range of heliocentric distances 9.39 au – 1.33au
detectability of NG effects in the comet's motion comet lost close to perihelion or split comet
type of model of motion GR - gravitational orbit
data weighting YES
number of residuals 1208
RMS [arcseconds] 0.75
orbit quality class 2b
previous orbit statistics, both Galactic and stellar perturbations were taken into account
no. of returning VCs in the swarm 136
no. of escaping VCs in the swarm 4865
no. of hyperbolas among escaping VCs in the swarm 4483 *
previous reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] -60.62 – -30.51 – 0.38
previous perihelion distance [au] 0.98 – 1.5 – 2.1
previous aphelion distance [103 au] 80 – 230 – 1600
time interval to previous perihelion [Myr] 1.42 ± 0.0012
percentage of VCs with qprev < 10100
Time distribution of positional observations with corresponding heliocentric (red curve) and geocentric (green curve) distance at which they were taken. The horizontal dotted line shows the perihelion distance for a given comet whereas vertical dotted line — the moment of perihelion passage.
previous orbit statistics, here only the Galactic tide has been included
no. of returning VCs in the swarm 129
no. of escaping VCs in the swarm 4872
no. of hyperbolas among escaping VCs in the swarm 4480 *
previous reciprocal semi-major axis [10-6 au-1] -60.52 – -30.44 – 0.43
previous perihelion distance [au] 0.65 – 0.91 – 1.2
previous aphelion distance [103 au] 81 – 230 – 1500
time interval to previous perihelion [Myr] 1.45 ± 0.0012
percentage of VCs with qprev < 10100